Saturday, 30 June 2012


Yay, I sent my first package out today to Shelby, I also got three letters from Candy from China, Anette from Norway and Ines from Portugal. I hopefully plan to send the replys in the next couple of days ^_^

Thursday, 28 June 2012

HI! I thought I should do a quick update with the letters I've got this week. Which is only two from Anna and Agnes and I've sent out three.
I've got too much spare time on my hands so i think i'm going to look for even more Pen Pals.

Sunday, 24 June 2012

Okayy so I managed to send 9 more letters today ^_^
I also got three more pen pals, one from Korea. I've always wanted to send letter there, Now i do. I am looking forward to getting the letters <(^_^<)
I only got one letter today, which was from my American friend Sara. She was my first ever Pen pal ^_^

Friday, 15 June 2012

Well I've sent four more letters and now I've got four more to send on Thursday :D I've also got a package i'm going to send at the end of this month. I'm looking forward to sending and reviving the reply's
Someone random fact ^_^ I ended up giving myself a black eye :( not good. I pulled my laptop up to fast and it hit me in the eye. Now that is a way to get a back eye ^_^

Saturday, 9 June 2012

First blog

Well this is the first blog I've ever done ^_^ So i thought I should start off with something I love to do. At the moment I have about 5 pen pals form all over the world. I have only just recently started to send the letters and I am really love sending and getting the letters.
Today I sent three more letters to people, one was a swap which I included a key ring do to with the olympics as well some stickers. I am waiting for a awesome Vampire Knight of one of the pen pals ^_^ I can't wait.
Sorry if it sucks, after all it is only my first one. 8D