Monday, 31 December 2012

Stupid Camera

So it's finally New Years eve and I'm looking forward to 2013. This past years has not been too good and I'm hoping for a new start next year. There is so many good things to look forward to for example my dad's wedding, My 18th birthday and the birth of my little God daughter ^_^.
I have work tomorrow at 9am and I was planning on spending New Years eve in bed :( sad right but my Auntie is having a party and to be honest I don't care about work tomorrow, I'm going to party tonight and have fun with my family. I'll deal with work when it happens.
I've sent to many letters this week I would say around 10, I was not able to take any photo's of them as my camera has broke which is not good. I'm back at college in a couple off weeks and I need my camera for my  photography course. 
I'm hoping to get some pictures up in my next post of my Christmas and New Years :D

Sunday, 16 December 2012


I feel so bad about not replying to my letters. I have a really bad immune system and this cold weather is not doing me any good. I've been in and out of the doctors, been told to rest and been given different tablets to try and help. I have been too ill to even think about reply to letters or going on the internet which for me is shocking.

So I went to the Harry Potter studio tour in London and it was truly amazing, I didn't think it would be as good as it was. The only bad thing was that we didn't get long in the gift shop because we were with college we were told to wait outside when we were finished going round. Me and my friends are massive harry potter fans so we took our time looking at all the little details and talking to workers about the set that when we were about to go into the gift shops one of the teachers with us told us everyone was already outside and had been waiting for half and hour for us. We asked if we could at least look in the gift shop and she said es but we had to be as quick as we can. I did manage to get a chocolate frog and a awesome Sirius Black mug. Here are some photo's of an amazing day.

The great hall was all decorate for Christmas and looked amazing.

The invisibility cloak AHH :D 

The teachers at the fount of the great hall. The clothes here are the clothes the actors wore while filming. I find that amazing. 

AHHH SIRIUS BLACK'S CLOTHES Massive Fan Girl moment there ^_^

The boys rooms, I couldn't believe how amazing the whole day was.

Tonks and LUPIN'S CLOTHES he and Sirius are both my favorite characters YAY

We all got to try butter beer and it tasted really nice. I'm hoping to go back again on my birthday and get a better look in the gift shop.

Saturday, 1 December 2012

1st of December ^_^

Yay It's finally the first of December and look what I got in the post ^_^ My advent calender swap from Elizabeth. 

I like how the box was decorated ^_^ The face made me laugh.
When I opened it I noticed that nothing was wrapped but never mind. Everything inside the package was amazing, I loved everything.

Some gloved and socks 

These are some Halloween sweets and rubbers ^_^

I also got a change purse and some braclets

These are all stickers, I love the superhero ones :D

There are some envelopes, Postcards and some really nice notebooks

She sent some pens, Paperclips and a little button

Thank you so much, I loved everything.

I got to open the first day on my chocolate advent calendar it's starting to feel even more like Christmas yay
It even started to snow this morning although it wasn't much it was still amazing.

Thursday, 22 November 2012

Advent Calender

I didn't have the money to send this last friday but I am planning to send it off tomorrow maybe during my lunch break at college or when I finish. I first had the idea to wrap some of the presents up in news paper with interesting stories on but I didn't manage to find many so I went on to using normal wrapping paper :D I have spent the last hour wrapping everything and now all I have to do is number them :D I can't wait until the first of December when we start them :D yay

Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Harry Potter Studios!!!!!

Sorry it's been so long since I've posted but I've been ill with this virus that has been going round and I really didn't have the energy to write a post or anything :( I have only got two more letters since the last post which is probably a good thing, It gave me some time to catch up on a couple of letters.

So this one is from my first ever pen pal Sara.

This one is from Ines, she is a great person to talk to and she has become one of my best friends.

I missed the postman today who had a nice package for me but he was so kind as to leave it with a neighbor  The only bad thing is that they have been out all day and I haven't been able to pick it up. I have to wait until maybe tomorrow but I have college then work and won't get home until 10pm and they might not be in. :(

I bet your wondering why my title is about Harry Potter Studio, well me and my class in college are going to the Studio tour in 2 WEEKS ahhhh I can't wait!! It's going to be amazing. I should be making another post when ever I'm able to get my package ^_^

Monday, 5 November 2012


So Halloween has just, My little brother was a very cute devil and my dad was a scary clown. Hehe :D I even got some photo's of them.

It took me ages to make my brother sit still for his face paint and I even had to give him some face paint to put on my face.

Doesn't he look scary :D

So to the letters :D I have had two letters since my last update:

So this letter is from Natalia :D with a nice envelope.

This is the first reply form Paola who sent me a nice bracelet. I think we are going to get along great ^_^

My outgoing is none at the moment :( I have got three letters ready to post but I haven't got the money untill Thursday and I'm hoping I will have more written by the time I send them.

Christmas is on it's way and I can't wait to start with the music and decorations :D My Little brothers birthday is in about a week and I still don't have a clue what to get him. Maybe some new cars and toys, I'm sure all kids would like new toys right.

Thursday, 25 October 2012

Many New Letters ^_^

I've had quite a few new letters this past week. 4 new letters and one postcard. I still have to reply to 5 letters as I've only managed to reply to one but when I've finished this post I'm going to write some more. 

This letter is from Zaira, She sent me a little note book and a mermaid postcard

This was from a postcard swap from Anita, we have a agreed to swap packages after the postcards.

This is my second reply from Sarah who is  a massive fan of Batman :D

Eunice was one of my first penpals and I can talk to her about anything.

This is from Laura who always has such nice stationary.

Thursday, 18 October 2012


I have been able to reply to many letters this week. My sister moved back home so I had to help her move :( To be honest the only good thing that has happened this week is this letter I got from Hanna.

She sent me some cute stickers, Beautiful postcards which went straight on my bedroom door. She also sent me a ticket form an Anime Convention and her favorite museum and some really nice ear rings which have became my favorite pair. 

Speaking of conventions, I'm going to a Supernatural one next year, I'm so excited  I'm going with my cousin and a friend. I can't wait!!!!

Sunday, 7 October 2012


So I spent the weekend with my uncle and auntie in London who I hadn't seen in about 3 years. ^_^ It was good to see them again. Before I left I had a letter which I read on the train there from Anette.
She sent me a little card which says:
Address: Lost In Space
TIF: Yes, Thank You :)
My Room Isn't Messy, It's Just Hard To Get Inside
I'm Not Dumb, Just Less Smart
I though it was great :D I would love to have one of them.

I got home about 2 hours ago and I really wanted to write a letter so I write my reply to Natalia :D
 I sent her a home made key chain and a tube map :D I hope she like them :D  Well that's one down, 2 to go :D

Monday, 1 October 2012

First letter of October

So it's finally October and Halloween is at the end of the month Yay. My favorite Holiday.
The first letter of this month is from Natalia who lives in Puerto Rico. She sent me a really nice necklace and Samurai hat she made. The letter came with a hole in it so i'm happy the necklace didn't fall out.

Tuesday, 25 September 2012

No New Letters :(

I haven't got any new letters yet but I have 2 outgoing letters to Anette and Laura. I only have one more letter to reply two which I'm going to write today then I'm going to have to wait until I get a new letter :( I think I'm in need to some new letter sets so I plan to go shopping on Thursday to grab some more ^_^

Friday, 21 September 2012

Yay, First letter in a week!!

So When The Post Man Came Today, He Brought Me A Nice Letter. Yay, It's My First In About A Week.

It Was Tanya From Russia ^_^ 

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Out Going Mail

So no incoming mail :( but i have been working on my reply's
My reply to Zaira

Finally managed to write my reply to Sara 

Anna's letter ^_^

My last letter I wrote today is to Ines ^_^

I'm really hoping to get some more letter tomorrow ^_^ I only have two more to reply to then I will have nothing to do but wait for the replys.

Friday, 14 September 2012

Can't Think!!

I haven't gotten any new letters this week but I think it's kinda a good thing. I have been super busy with work and college that I haven't had the chance to reply to any one :( But I plan to spend the rest off today writing so I can send them tomorrow before work :D

Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Letters ^_^

So I started college today Yay! We were only there for 2 and a half hours but it was fun to get to know everyone on my course. They all seem like great people and I looking forward to working with them

I've only had 3 new letters since my last post, It made my day even better today when I came home to find this letter from Lara on some pretty awesome paper.

 I got this letter from Zaira who lives in the USA.

 This letter came from Ines who is one of the best people I have ever wrote too. She is plain awesomeness ^_^.

Wednesday, 29 August 2012

More Letters

I had my college enrollment today ^_^ yay. I start next Wednesday and I can't wait. My day get's even better when I come home and fine three new letters waiting for me <(^.^<) yay.

So this first one is from Sara ^_^ my first ever penpal yay. 

 This second letter is from Anna who loves to decorate her envelopes with awesome drawings :D

 Finally Holly's reply came :D It took her awhile to reply but I'm happy I finally got it.

Tomorrow before work I plan to make a trip to the post office and finally post these two letters which I have been meaning to send for the last three days and I'm finally going to do it. ^_^

This is for Sarah who loves batman, It's a shame I couldn't find a comic with Scarecrow in, her favorite character.  
 And this letter is going to Hanna, She is an awesome person and I love getting her replys.

Thursday, 16 August 2012


I went shopping today YAY! the first time in ages and I brought some new stationary. I actually got to go in the shops I wanted.

Some really cute stickers which I'm going to stick on my envelopes of send to someone.

Some of the stickers but these are food ones.

Look how cute they are hehe!

Some money rubbers which i'm going to send to someone. Don't know who yet.

Some more stickers :D

Toy Story Rubbers!! The Little Aliens, I'm planning on keeping one but giving the others away.

So I brought three new letter sets they were really cheep as well.

This is by far my favorite. I can't wait to use it.